Sunday, January 3, 2021

AI and blockchain assists with smart parking

 Parking tends to be an issue with most medium and large-sized cities. With real estate being finite, the developers tend to build revenue-generating structures (e.g. apartment or office buildings, or malls). These generally generate much more revenue than a simple parking lot. The owner-occupied properties tend to minimize the parking area, as it removes potential office space for their workers. With these limitations, it is easy to understand how parking has become an issue. Computer systems are able to make our lives easier, and this is no different. To resolve this issue, two companies in different fields came together. and Datarella, in AI and blockchains, were the partners. Their project, being tested in Munich, used AI to optimize parking. This ties nicely into the smart city concept. the program helps to move vehicles to the optimal spots, removing the waste of time and resources (e.g. gas). This also has the extra benefit to the other drivers of removing cars driving when they wouldn't need to, easing congestion. Blockchain comes into play as this is a decentralized network. The decentralized network works to split complex tasks within the network. This is only the first step. The companies are planning other projects to continue the application.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Blockchain's application with agri-food

 The world's population continues to grow at an astounding rate year after year. Every person on the planet needs to eat and consume yet more resources. One area this has particularly affected and stretched resources have been the agri-food business. There is a limited amount of land to grow all the food we need, across the globe, consumed every day of the year. While this problem isn't going away and is only getting worse, there is assistance available. One area this may assist with is improving the digitization of the supply chain. Granted a portion of this is done through the legacy accounting systems. By bringing in blockchain, there will be a greater level of transparency with the products. Anyone along with the supply chain and others may track the product, and know where the food originated, as well as the processing points. As a tangent with the data on the blockchain, the potential for fraud with the food's data is minimized. 

Blockchain; it's not just for medical systems

 In recent years, there has been an abundance of research done by applying blockchain to the civilian medicine market. This could be in the back-end or administrative functions with orders, supply chain, and other functions. This has also been applied to medical record systems with recording updates to the patient records. These functions provide, among other benefits, immutability. Once the records and updates are entered into systems, and subsequently into the blocks, these cannot be changed. Someone can't later simply attempt to open a block and change a dosage or other information when it is convenient. As this has been shown to be a viable tool for this use case. A related use is with the military health field. These industries have a commonality with patient records and confidential. Both require patient records to be recorded and not be able to be changed, along with confidentiality. Blockchain provides for this with each block and the encryption each block has. Bruce Doll, Assistant Vice President fo Technology Research and Innovation at the Department of Defenses's Uniformed Services University is focussedon prioritizing blockchain research. In addition, to ensure the data is indeed correct, AI and ML should be leveraged. Other viable uses for this within the military health system include COVID-19 vaccine distribution, credentialing health providers, and many other use cases. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

AI and blockchain combined for smart cities


One of the clear benefits to blockchain applications are the decentralized factor. One application is to use a federated learning algorithm. With this being decentralized, the algorithms get the benefits of collective machine learning across the multiple data owners. This trial is being used in Munich, Germany to assist commuters in finding a parking spot. This innovation is created by This is designed to work with the decentralized machine learning network in smart infrastructures. The area being used is titled M-Zone. This was engineered to use multi-agent blockchain services with AI. The goal is to optimize the local parking resources in commercial real estate properties. A positive by-product of this is a reduction in the city’s carbon footprint. This is accomplished by the AI system search for the nearest parking spot to the user’s destination, booking it for the user, and providing the user directions to the parking spot. When the user leaves, the fee is calculated and paid. This is another example of applying technology to improve the user’s life and our environment. 


BLOCKCHAIN is a decentralized digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that is used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be changed retroactively, without the alteration of subsequent blocks. This is especially beneficial for logs which cannot or should not be altered or to add a layer of cybersecurity. 

BLOCKCHAIN is useful for applications requiring logs which may not be adjusted, automated processes, and cybersecurity.


Please contact us when we may be of assistance with showing you when and how to apply blockchain to your business, products, and processes.

Charles Parker, II; Principal Scientist; MBA/MSA/JD/LLM/PhD/DCS (IP)



Cup of java with your blockchain


Blockchain started as the backbone for BitCoin. This new technology has, however, proven to have many different applications due to its base function. Having the decentralized ledger allows for the data to be recorded once and not changed and accessed by the appropriate parties. The security features may also be upgraded with encryption. One application for this has been the supply chain. One company leveraging this has been the Orang Utan Coffee company. The company and coffee, licensed and distributed in the UK, use this to allow retailers and consumers to trace the coffee to its Indonesian roots. The person, to access this, has to only access an app (Farmer Connect’s Thank My Farmer). The full product cycle is included in the blockchain, from the field, processing, to the final product sold globally. Growing the coffee beans, the process of getting this to market is complex, however, this has been encapsulated into the blockchain. This also provides the company and clients a new level of transparency into not only the regions of their coffee, but also the intricate process of harvesting, roasting, and shipping. 


BLOCKCHAIN is a decentralized digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that is used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be changed retroactively, without the alteration of subsequent blocks. This is especially beneficial for logs which cannot or should not be altered or to add a layer of cybersecurity. 


Please contact us when we may be of assistance with showing you when and how to apply blockchain to your business and processes.

Charles Parker, II; Principal Scientist; MBA/MSA/JD/LLM/PhD/DCS (IP)


Airlines as a good candidate for blockchain usage


Blockchain is very useful in many industries for many reasons. The industry has seen this applied to the supply chain for manufacturing concerns, and automobile manufacturers, and other uses. This is completely applicable across many industries with other uses. What makes this so useful are its features which have been present since the beginning. These include the un-alterability of the data and chain. Once the data is in, the data can’t be changed, notwithstanding a power-intensive successful attack. This also allows for encryption to be used for further security.

One industry that has not overly-accepted this application has been the airline industry, an area where this is a great fit. One area of operations with this would be maintenance. This area is more important than ever. A maintenance issue with a car has the driver simply pulling over and waiting for a tow truck. The airplane with a maintenance issue has a much more critical outcome, depending on where the issue occurred and its criticality rating. Blockchain certainly has used with this. Maintenance on the airplanes is on-going and may include an overhaul. Blockchain can be used to update the maintenance logs as these occur. As these are regularly updated and added, the time spent on routine inspections would be lower and would not be able to be changed once in the blockchain. This also provides immutable proof the maintenance occurred and the data is direct.

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that are used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be changed retroactively, without the alteration of subsequent blocks. This is especially beneficial for logs which cannot or should not be altered or to add a layer of cybersecurity.  


Please contact us when we may be of assistance with showing you when and how to apply blockchain to your business and processes.

Charles Parker, II; Principal Scientist; MBA/MSA/JD/LLM/PhD/DCS (IP)


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Blockchain to improve clinical trial integrity


The year 2020 will certainly be unforgettable for our lifetime. When someone mentions 2020, we will look back and vividly remember the food and essentials shortages, people becoming infected in record numbers, and other interesting events. One area of particular attention has been on the vaccine. We will remember the mad dash to get the vaccine created, approved by the FDA, and distributed. The critical step within this flowchart is to have the proposed vaccine run through the double-blind trials to compare its success rate with placebo. With this race to the cure, there may be pressure placed on the company and researchers to use a statistical grey area to make the data appear in a better light than the actual data. To lessen the opportunity for this to occur, blockchain may be used. For this use case, the clinical trial data would be entered as it is retrieved. As each block of data is entered into the chain, it becomes part of history and can’t be changed, which is a clear benefit of blockchain. After the clinical trial data has been recorded it can’t be changed or updated to improve the results, unless there is a rather extensive attack perpetrated successfully. When the results are close to being approved and the vaccine only needs a few more positive results, the undue pressure to adjust a few results for approval and millions of dollars in revenue may be present. With a fully functioning blockchain in place, this is not an option and improved integrity.

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that is used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be changed retroactively, without the alteration of subsequent blocks. This is especially beneficial for logs which cannot or should not be altered or to add a layer of cybersecurity.  


Please contact us when we may be of assistance with showing you when and how to apply blockchain to your business and processes.

Charles Parker, II; Principal Scientist; MBA/MSA/JD/LLM/PhD/DCS (IP)


AI and blockchain assists with smart parking

 Parking tends to be an issue with most medium and large-sized cities. With real estate being finite, the developers tend to build revenue-g...