Friday, January 1, 2021

Blockchain's application with agri-food

 The world's population continues to grow at an astounding rate year after year. Every person on the planet needs to eat and consume yet more resources. One area this has particularly affected and stretched resources have been the agri-food business. There is a limited amount of land to grow all the food we need, across the globe, consumed every day of the year. While this problem isn't going away and is only getting worse, there is assistance available. One area this may assist with is improving the digitization of the supply chain. Granted a portion of this is done through the legacy accounting systems. By bringing in blockchain, there will be a greater level of transparency with the products. Anyone along with the supply chain and others may track the product, and know where the food originated, as well as the processing points. As a tangent with the data on the blockchain, the potential for fraud with the food's data is minimized. 

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