Sunday, November 29, 2020

Airlines as a good candidate for blockchain usage


Blockchain is very useful in many industries for many reasons. The industry has seen this applied to the supply chain for manufacturing concerns, and automobile manufacturers, and other uses. This is completely applicable across many industries with other uses. What makes this so useful are its features which have been present since the beginning. These include the un-alterability of the data and chain. Once the data is in, the data can’t be changed, notwithstanding a power-intensive successful attack. This also allows for encryption to be used for further security.

One industry that has not overly-accepted this application has been the airline industry, an area where this is a great fit. One area of operations with this would be maintenance. This area is more important than ever. A maintenance issue with a car has the driver simply pulling over and waiting for a tow truck. The airplane with a maintenance issue has a much more critical outcome, depending on where the issue occurred and its criticality rating. Blockchain certainly has used with this. Maintenance on the airplanes is on-going and may include an overhaul. Blockchain can be used to update the maintenance logs as these occur. As these are regularly updated and added, the time spent on routine inspections would be lower and would not be able to be changed once in the blockchain. This also provides immutable proof the maintenance occurred and the data is direct.

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that are used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved block cannot be changed retroactively, without the alteration of subsequent blocks. This is especially beneficial for logs which cannot or should not be altered or to add a layer of cybersecurity.  


Please contact us when we may be of assistance with showing you when and how to apply blockchain to your business and processes.

Charles Parker, II; Principal Scientist; MBA/MSA/JD/LLM/PhD/DCS (IP)


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